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NPC Build: Merula StoneShell

NPC Build: Merula StoneShell

Josh Taylor |

Merula StoneShell - Created by Jeff Larimer

Medium Humanoid (Tortle), Lawful Neutral
Armor Class 17 Natural Armor
Hit Points 55 (10d8 + 10)
Speed 30 ft.
12 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 15 (+2)

Saving Throws INT +5, WIS +4
Skills History +1
Damage Resistances Piercing and Slashing from nonmagical attacks
Senses Passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Draconic, Elvish
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2

Spellcasting. Merula is a 7th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). Merula has the following wizard spells prepared:

  • Cantrips (at will): mage hand, prestidigitation, shocking grasp
  • 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, identify, mage armor, shield
  • 2nd level (3 slots): detect thoughts, knock, misty step
  • 3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, dispel magic, lightning bolt
  • 4th level (3 slots): fabricate, dimension door


         Quarterstaff: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage.

Reaction Name. Opportunity Attack, Counter Spell


Physical Description: Merula is a Tortle with a dark green shell adorned with intricate carvings depicting arcane symbols and mystical sigils. His eyes, a a warm chestnut color, twinkle with a shrewd intelligence, and his face is often adorned with a warm smile. He wears flowing robes of deep indigo, adorned with shimmering golden threads, and a wide-brimmed hat adorned with feathers and gemstones.

Personality: Merula StoneShell is a Tortle of remarkable warmth and charm, known for his affable nature and genuine interest in the well-being of those around him. Despite his vast knowledge and considerable magical prowess, he remains remarkably humble, treating each customer with the same level of respect and courtesy, whether they are seasoned adventurers or wide-eyed novices. He possesses a keen sense of empathy, often taking the time to listen to the concerns and aspirations of those who visit his shop, offering words of encouragement and sage advice.

One of Merula's defining traits is his insatiable curiosity and thirst for knowledge. He is constantly seeking out new magical discoveries and arcane artifacts, eagerly pouring over ancient tomes and dusty scrolls in search of hidden secrets and lost spells. His enthusiasm for magic is infectious, and he delights in sharing his discoveries with others, regaling them with tales of his own mystical adventures and the wonders of the arcane arts.

Despite his jovial demeanor, Merula is also a savvy businessman with a sharp mind for commerce. He takes great pride in the quality of the magical items he sells, often going to great lengths to acquire rare and exotic artifacts to stock his shelves. While he is always willing to negotiate prices with his customers, he is also adept at recognizing a valuable opportunity when he sees one, and is not above engaging in a bit of friendly haggling to secure a favorable deal.

Above all else, Merula is a steadfast friend and ally to those who earn his trust. He is fiercely loyal to his customers and will go to great lengths to ensure their safety and success, offering his assistance and guidance whenever it is needed. However, he is not one to suffer fools lightly, and those who attempt to take advantage of his kindness will quickly find themselves on the receiving end of his formidable intellect and biting wit.


1.     Magical Trinkets: Merula has a penchant for collecting unusual magical trinkets and curiosities, which he proudly displays throughout his shop. From enchanted baubles to ancient relics, each item tells a story and holds a special place in Merula's heart.

2.     Arcane Rituals: Merula is known for his eccentric rituals and routines, which he performs with meticulous precision each morning before opening his shop. From chanting ancient incantations to arranging his magical artifacts just so, his rituals serve as a testament to his deep reverence for the arcane arts.

3.     Enthusiastic Greetings: When customers enter his shop, Merula greets them with an enthusiastic wave of his hand and a warm smile, inviting them to peruse his wares at their leisure. He takes great pleasure in introducing visitors to the wonders of his magical emporium and is always eager to share his knowledge and expertise with those who show an interest.

4.     Grandiose Gestures: Merula is known for his grandiose gestures and dramatic flair, which he employs to great effect when demonstrating the powers of his magical items. From flourishing his staff in a dramatic arc to conjuring dazzling displays of light and sound, his performances never fail to captivate and awe those who witness them.

5.     Cryptic Sayings: Merula has a penchant for speaking in cryptic sayings and riddles, often leaving his customers scratching their heads in confusion before the true meaning of his words becomes clear. He delights in challenging the minds of those around him and takes great pleasure in watching them unravel the mysteries he presents.


Backstory: Merula StoneShell was born into a family of Tortle artisans who dwelled along the tranquil shores of a remote island. From a young age, he displayed an insatiable curiosity and an innate talent for the arcane arts, spending countless hours poring over ancient tomes and experimenting with rudimentary spells. Recognizing his potential, his family encouraged him to pursue his studies, and he soon found himself apprenticed to a wise old wizard who had taken up residence on the island.

Under the tutelage of his mentor, Merula delved deep into the mysteries of magic, mastering spells and incantations that had long been forgotten by the rest of his kin. He reveled in the discovery of new spells and enchanted artifacts, his thirst for knowledge driving him to explore the furthest reaches of the arcane realms. However, as he grew older, Merula began to feel a longing for something more, a desire to share his knowledge and talents with the wider world beyond the confines of his island home.

With his mentor's blessing, Merula set out on a journey of discovery, traveling far and wide in search of new magical discoveries and opportunities to test his skills. Along the way, he encountered a myriad of fascinating characters and creatures, each one adding to his wealth of knowledge and experience. Eventually, he found himself drawn to the bustling metropolis of Waterdeep, where he decided to put down roots and establish his own magical emporium.

Over the years, Merula's shop became a beloved fixture of the city, known far and wide for its vast selection of rare and exotic magical items. Adventurers and spellcasters from across the land would flock to his door, eager to peruse his shelves and seek his advice on matters both magical and mundane. Though he had achieved great success in his endeavors, Merula remained ever humble, grateful for the opportunity to share his passion for magic with others and to continue his own journey of discovery in the world he had come to call home.

Sound/Mannerisms: Merula speaks with a deep, resonant voice that carries an air of authority and wisdom. He tends to gesture grandly with his hands when speaking, emphasizing his points with dramatic flair. His mannerisms are dignified yet animated, reflecting his passion for magic and his love of theatrics.

Created by Jeff Larimer and published by Helix-Gaming


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